4 Results with the "Super Sentai" tag
Synopsis: In the annals of Chikyu’s kingdoms lies an ancient prophecy foretelling the resurgence of the Earth Empire Bugnarak, two millennia following its demise, poised to annihilate humanity once more. Yet, amidst this foreboding, stand five monarchs and their divine protector, King-Ohger, ready to confront this peril. This saga chronicles not only the valor of these kings in defense of Chikyu but also the…
So how do you create an alternative to eternal life when trying to create the ultimate insect god? The answer it would appear is that you replace it with a large number of mortal lives and await a miracle. This season has been really impressive for me. You have game of thrones, meet evil insects, and then you have some genuinely funny characters. I…
This season is all about vehicles, customisation and racing. And of course to get off to a great start we have the Japanese variation of Smokey and the Bandit. Except instead of a fat sheriff, we get a mafia boss. The monster battles this year are interesting as they seem to increase from two stages of battle to three: standard monster battle, chase through…
Please let the 2017 Sentai be a good one. It's really gotten bad to be at the point where I have gone 18 months without giving Kamen Rider more than an occasional and stopped watching the Super Sentai after the fourth week (I had to force myself to watch it that long). Seriously the Kamen Rider Ghost theme was a good idea but they…