Shadow Ranger
1.7 M
5 d, 22 h
"The conquest of evil in days gone by."
Myth and Legend is a companion story to The Conquest of Evil, revealing the origins of the conflict and the early days of the struggle. It is still a work in progress and intended to expand the rest of the story... and perhaps reveal one or two small mysteries of its own. Starting of course with the question: How did the knowledge of the nature of the Morphin Grid change so much?
"The conquest of evil in days gone by." History, as we know it, states existence is built upon a foundation of scientific fact and mathematics. This long-held fact is a lie. The struggle between Good and Evil defines existence by its very nature. It is around such a struggle that the Universe was created and races old and new have arisen. For Evil must…
5.9 K • Dec 31, '24
8.1 K • Jan 6, '25
6.4 K • Sep 11, '21
When Rita Repulsa was kicked out of her palace by Lord Zedd, she chose to retreat rather than face being trapped in another prison. Her quest to escape Zedd and a place without Power Rangers led to a journey to another reality where Power Rangers and Lord Zedd do not exist, but has more than its share of evil space aliens and monsters. And when her actions lead to monsters from this reality heading back to her world, Rita inevitably draws the attention of those she was seeking to avoid and gives her temporary allies a new target.
Now an enemy has arisen and the lines between the role of the Sorcerer Supreme and the Power Rangers have crossed. A new threat that can only be defeated by the Power Rangers reaching beyond their mortal limits and the knowledge of the Sorcerer Supreme to guide them as they trespass into places no human should tread. Join them as they take the steps need to become the Power Rangers Supreme.
The Earth is a planet that was once considered of little value in the grand scheme of things. But the fallout from the war left many wondering why Rita was so determined to conquer the planet, and why Zordon considered it so important that he established a permanent presence there. Suddenly a prize for any villain seeking to prove their superiority, and a liability…
The Power Rangers protect the Earth against invasion from the forces of evil. But, they are not the Earth's only protection and when they cross paths with the Justice League and its members, they discover that there are some villains that could easily give the likes of Rita and Zedd a challenge for the title of "greatest threat".
When Lord Zedd, The Emperor of the Dark Zones, arrives, it only takes a short time for the Rangers to wish that they were still facing off against Rita Repulsa. Can the Rangers hope to stand up to a foe that not only possesses more powerful monsters than Rita Repulsa, but can fight and defeat the Rangers in solo combat?
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