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Stories 13
Chapters 34
Words 115.9 K
Comments 0
Reading 9 hours, 39 minutes9 h, 39 m
  • Myth and Legend: A Phantom’s Story Cover
    by Shadow Ranger The existence of the Phantom Ranger has been observed throughout history, a lone wolf who appears when needed the most,lends his assistance and then vanishes. Who is he? Where did he come from and why when so many would wish to offer him their friendship does he choose to walk alone?
  • Once and Always Cover
    by Shadow Ranger In 1992 the space witch Rita Repulsa was released from her lunar prison and began a campaign to conquer the planet Earth. In 2022, attempts to harness the power of the Morphin Grid have allowed Rita's evil to return, with a whole new body and nothing to hold back her murderous rage.
  • by Shadow Ranger A compact between the forces of Good and Evil is broken and the Earth shall suffer for it.
  • Myth and Legend: Exodus Cover
    by Shadow Ranger The Morphin Masters departed and the other chosen races withdrew to the shadows. The universe entered a period of ignorance before emerging into a new age of enlightenment. Much of what the Morphin Masters accomplished would be forgotten, but some of the things they left behind were too dangerous to be ignored. What began as a journey to deliver the Power Eggs to a…
    by Shadow Ranger "The modern battle between good and evil" Evil is a powerful force because it offers power to those that would do the things that a good person would never consider. Is the easy path that twists and corrupts those that follow it to believe they are righteous. Once evil gains a foothold it is quick to grow, consume and dominate. And once it has…
    by Shadow Ranger The Face of Evil Contact had been made between a dark being that existed since the fall of the Dark One and a pawn chosen to carry out his vengeance against the light. Minion is restored and tasked with preparing for release of his new master by destroying those most likely to oppose him, namely the Power Rangers. How will a lowly clone succeed?…
  • Rage Against the Machines Cover
    by Shadow Ranger   The Machine Empire is an alliance of several smaller mechanical kingdoms. For a long time the Machine Empire was sidelined from the war between good and evil by brutal infighting as the various monarchs jockeyed for position. Now having reached an accord to resolve the matter at a later time, King Mondo and the Royal House of Gadgetry are free to pursue their…
  • by Shadow Ranger Evil existed before creation, lurking in background and waiting for the moment when it could gain purchase in a rapidly expanding universe. Eternal, indestructible, even the loss of its agents could not remove its stain from reality. Not even the Creator himself can expel Evil entirely. From the distant past to the far future, the battle between Good and Evil continues. For the villains…
  • Myth and Legend: Rediscovery Cover
    by Shadow Ranger Knowledge that was lost is found once more.
  • Myth and Legend: Genesis II Cover
    by Shadow Ranger No description provided yet.
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