TMNT vs MMPRRangers in a half shell

After losing his powers to the Green Candle, Tommy Oliver takes some time for himself. Little does he realise that he is still under Rita's scrutiny and that a chance encounter on the streets of New York will lead her to a new partner in villainy.

Stranger in Town

Tommy Oliver meets New York's mutant heroes.

Dangerous Alliances

Rita plots to use the Turtles in her schemes, but decides that Shredder might make a more interesting partner.

Power Failure

It seems Shredder knows someone who can block the Rangers' powers.

The Bigger Threat

Things take a dangerous twist when Shredder gets hold of Tommy's old coin and discovers it is not as powerless as they thought.

Goodbye to a New Friend

The Rangers return to Angel Grove and Tommy decides his time away must come to an end too. Will he make it back in time for Power Rangers Day?

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