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Myth and Legend: Genesis

Before the beginning, there was The Void. Nothing existed. Then something changed and a new creation was revealed.
"Existence is the successful transformation of nothing into something. And once such a transformation has begun, it is almost impossible to stop."
  1. The End

    An old war comes to an end. The question is whether the end is true the end or just the transition to something new and exciting. For where there is life there is hope and where there are survivors, there's the chance of a new story to come.

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  1. Genesis Part One: The Beginning

    After the ending, comes a new beginning.

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  1. Genesis Part Two: Birth of Darkness

    First, there was the void. Then came the energy and the void was changed. Then a second change turned the void into a universe giving form to The One and The Creator. Time passed and more was needed. Two more entities were given form: The Dark One and The Luminous One. But The Dark One fell from grace and The Luminous One charged to stop him. The first war between Good and Evil started, and before its end, The One was forced to make a difficult decision and pay a heavy price.

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  1. Genesis: Cosmic Gods

    As a reward for his service, Paladin was released from his duties and allowed the freedom to do as he pleased. But it seems that while the universe can tolerate Good and Evil, it has no place for lasting peace. Paladin's answer: to create a new race of beings with the same freedom he enjoys and able to decide what they believe in. For Paladin possessed the wisdom to see that for the universe to thrive, there needed to be a struggle. And the ideas of his creations clash, the conflict will bring the struggle the universe needs. And as these new 'Cosmic Gods' assume their positions of power, so the remnants of The Dark One's army appoint themselves as the Dark Gods, believing themselves to be the true deities and deluding themselves that one day they will hold the power.

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  1. Genesis: Struggles for the Dark Throne

    When The Dark One was vanquished, a power vacuum was left behind. When a group of lower level followers proclaim themselves to be Dark Gods and the natural successors to The Dark One's title, civil war breaks out - for despite falsely claiming to be worthy of the position it never occurred to them that other might do the same. And once the infighting is over, the new war begins.

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  1. Genesis Part Three: Celestial Construction

    The Celestials prepare the realm of mortals for habitation as they themselves get ready to depart.

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  1. Genesis: Knights and Dragons

    In the days between The Celestials departing and the rise of the First Alliance, the universe is threatened by a demon named Vitara. Step forth a brave knight to vanquish the darkness. And long may his deeds be remembered.

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  1. Genesis: The Dark Times

    The Celestials departed, leaving behind a number of races capable of directing affairs for the new fledgling universe. And in their wake, the universe slips into the dark age of chaos and magic.

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  1. Genesis: The New Age

    The Celestistials departed and the preservation of all their work rested in the hands of the races they had chosen to replace them. Could mortals hope to maintain the standards or the gods?

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