There are other villains in the world besides Rita Repulsa. There are also other heroes, fighters against the forces of darkness who have operated long before the Power Rangers. And now, they meet.
- Heroes and Legends
After the destruction of Cyclopsis, the Rangers find themselves facing a new threat, a plot involving super criminals under the direction of a mastermind. How will the Rangers fare when thrown into the world of the Justice League of America. This chapter is based upon the work of Carl Turner and a great deal of the work is adapted from his series. However the heroes in this series come from the JLA
5,167 Words
- Warrior Rangers
The Rangers and friends meet Xena, the Warrior Princess. This chapter is based upon the work of Carl Turner and a great deal of the work is adapted from his series. However the heroes in this series come from the JLA
2,721 Words
- When Heroes Fall
It's a call to arms for all members of the JLA, when one of Aquaman's rogue citizens makes a pact with Rita Repulsa. This chapter is based upon the work of Carl Turner and a great deal of the work is adapted from his series. However the heroes in this series come from the JLA
3,604 Words