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Justice League

Justice League

The original super-hero team of the planet Earth, the Justice League was founded following an undisclosed alien invasion. The group remained active for many years and at one point played an active role in protecting the planet from further alien attacks although they spent more time policing the increasing number of super powered humans. After some time the Justice League became an umbrella organisation from which other similar groups formed. While these groups work together and are considered members of the Justic League, they have some flexibility in how they operate and the makeup of their membership.
Following the defeat of the space witch Rita Repulsa, the Justice League had an encounter with the Power Rangers of Earth, following which the Rangers were offered reserve status membership.

Organisations known to be a part of the Justice League includes:
Justice League of America (JLA) – based inside of the United States and limiting their actions to within North America
Justice League Europe (JLE) – Concentrates their efforts mainly within the European continent.
Justice League Dark – An organisation that specilises in dealing with magic users
Young Justice – An organsiation comprising younger heroes.

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