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Law enforcement organisation that operates outside of the official police force. Enforcers are well known for stepping over their bounds and so are usually accompanied by a Senturion Unit to keep them in line. Enforcers have awarded themselves the right to arrest criminals and take any action they deem necessary. They are mostly despised by all sides as vigilantes.

Most Enforcers possess a suit of specially made armour and are known by the name of that armour. The Space Sherriff is one of the exceptions to this. The armour worn is very similar to that utilised by the Knights of Junsui, but are not affiliated with that group.

Known members:

Arn the Space Sherriff

Gene owner of the Gavan armour

Ole wearer of the Shaider suit

Anderson controller of the Jiban armour

Bysko known simply as the Metal Hero (despised by his fellow Enforcers as well as the majority of those that meet him).

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