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Zords in Conquest of Evil – The New Dinozords.

At the end of the Minion saga, I introduce the new Dinozords to the series. When I came up with this my intention was as with the redesigned Morphin Rangers to combine facets of the first series with elements of Dino Thunder. To accomplish this and allow the Saber-toothed Tiger, Mastodon and Dragonzord to remain a part of the Zord fleet, I decided to allow all the Zords to change prior to merger. In some ways this is the same as during the summoning of the Thunderzords in season two of the show.

To make it clearer, the Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Pterodactyl (which is re-coloured pink), Stegazord and Dragozord are based on the Zords from Dino Thunder when summoned and during individual fights they usually remain in that form. The logic behind this is simply they seemed more suited for individual combat than the original Zords.

It should be noted that the Zords can fight in either their Dino Thunder forms or their season one forms, I just think the Dino Thunder Zords were more articulate.

As for the remaining Dinozords from season one, they remain almost the same except the Saber-toothed Tiger has more body joints, allowing it to move like a large cat; the same could be said for the Mastodon and the Dragonzord.

When the Rangers wish to combine to form the Megazord, Dragonzord in Battle Mode or Mega Dragonzord, the Zords are transformed by lightning into their season one forms and then combine in the usual way. The Dragozord and Stegazord combine in the same way they merge in Dino Thunder.

I have listed the various combinations here, some of which will be explored later in the series, but some will never be written about and I've recorded them here just for the sake of it.

Dino Megazord:
Tyrannosaurus, Mastodon, Triceratops, Saber-toothed Tiger and Pterodactyl as per season one of the show.

Incomplete Megazord formation:
It is possible to merge the Zords in different ways to act like a Megazord. These formations are not available unless the missing Zords are damaged. There are three variations.
(1): unconverted Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops. This mode cannot be called when the Mastodon and Saber-toothed Tiger are active. It is stronger than individual Zords, but vulnerable to the head.
(2): unconverted Tyrannosaurus, Pterodactyl and Triceratops. This mode cannot be called when the Mastodon and Saber-toothed Tiger are active. It is significantly weaker than the full Megazord.
(3): regular Megazord minus Pterodactyl. Almost fully powered, but unable to use any of the Megazord's weapons. This mode is extremely vulnerable to a chest hit.

Winged Megazord:
By adding the Dragozord to the completed Megazord the machine is capable of flight.

Super Dino Megazord:
When the Megazord combines with the Dragozord and the Stegazord, it forms the Super Dinozord. In Super Dinozord mode the Stegazord forms a saw bladed on the right arm used to finish opponents. It should be noted that the Megazord can only combine with the Stegazord after combining with the Dragozord.

Dragon Megazord aka Dragonzord Battle Mode/Battle Dragonzord:
Formed as in season one of the show by Dragonzord, Mastodon, Triceratops and Saber-toothed Tiger.

Winged Dragon Megazord:
By adding the Dragozord to the Battle Dragonzord the Machine is capable of flight. In flight mode it can use Battle Dragonzord's lance as a final attack.

Turtle Battle Dragonzord / Battle Dragon Shuttlezord:
Dragonzord combined with Tor the Shuttle Zord and the Red Battlezord.

Mega Dragonzord:
Dino Megazord combined with Dragonzord.

Super Mega Dragonzord:
Mega Dragonzord, Dragozord and Stegazord. In this mode the Stegazord opens for the Mega Dragonzord to stand upon. The disk spins under the Zord as it moves. This mode uses the Mega Dragonzord's finisher. However if it uses Titanus as a launch platform, the Super Dragonzord uses a sliding attack.

This is another instance where a Zord has two forms. In its basic form Titanus resembles the machine seen in season one of the show. However following an upgrade from Zordon, it resembles a silver version of the Brachiozord in Dino Thunder. It can switch between modes depending upon need.

Dino Ultrazord:
The standard formation of the Mega Dragonzord and Titanus with an artillery barrage as the finish. The attack can be combined with the Dino Stegazord's laser attack.

Super Ultrazord:
This version of the Ultrazord relies on Titanus in its upgraded form. The sides of the Zord open revealing its weapons. The Mega Dragonzord with the Dragozord on its back slides into place. The Stegazord opens and fits in front of the Mega Dragonzord. When the Rangers fire, the disk is fired at the opponent and followed by energy blasts from the Zord's weapons.

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