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3 h, 16 m
At the Toss of a Coin
Disclaimer: I do not own the Power Rangers. All characters are the property of the current copyright holders, likely Saban Brands. This is a fan work and no profit is being made from it. Author's note: This story takes place just after Tommy leaves his clone in the past in Return of the Green Ranger Part 3. In my series I usually keep what happened to Tom the same, but thought I'd explore a couple of ideas that sprang to mind after watching Dino Thunder and reading Shattered Grid. At the Toss of a… -
Whatever Happened to the Clone?
Disclaimer: I do not own the Power Rangers. They belong to the current copyright owners. Author's Note: This series is set in an alternate reality completely seperate from Conquest of Evil. This chapter establishes a key difference between the two: the fate of Tommy Oliver's clone. Whatever Happened to the Clone? Reality: When humanity mastered time travel the first thing they did was outlaw its use. Not really... the first thing they did was conduct countless experiments resulting in… -
Disclaimer: I do not own the Power Rangers. The very first sentence in this fic belongs to Jeremy Ray Logsdon. Breakthrough Athenia, Reality: 206.300.519.580 Every universe has one source of pure, unadulterated evil. Sometimes though it takes a while before the the that source can be identified. Evil is not an easy force to define, its very nature is deceptive. Misdirection and falsehoods are part of the illusion that gives villains a part of their power. Athenia was a small planet far from the planet… -
Disclaimer: We do not own the Power Rangers; they belong to their respective copyright owners. No profit is being made from this fan fiction, so please do not sue us. Anything not appearing in the show probably belongs to me. Nemesis Reality: 206.300.512.519 Balletar: a planet that had suffered in recent times. While was a world on the extreme boundary of Master Vile's territory, it was also considered a part of Lord Zedd's empire and had been claimed by Prince Gasket as an annexe of his world. With… -
Dark World: After the Fall
Disclaimer: I do not own the Power Rangers, they belong to the Mouse. This is a not for profit fan series. The first few scenes of this story belong to Ellen Brand. Author's note: This story takes place in the Conquest of Evil Multiverse and shares its alternate time line. The alternate reality in this story is based in a universe similar to the one used in Power Rangers the Movie. In case anybody is wondering, the basis of this story was written by Ellen Brand as part of a series called Fallen Heroes,… -
Disclaimer: I do not own the Power Rangers, they belong to whoever owns the copyright at the time of reading. I especially do not own this team of Power Rangers. They along with the enemies they face were a part of Ryuranger's Ultimate Power Rangers series. I always felt their deaths needed a little more and so I decided to give them my own tribute. The Unsung Heroes They were a joke among Rangers. Mocked by the comrades and looked down on by the more experienced teams. But they were heroes, just like…
Disclaimer: I do not own the Power Rangers, they belong to whoever owns the copyright at the time of reading. I especially do not own this team of Power Rangers. They along with the enemies they face were a part of Ryuranger's Ultimate Power Rangers series. I always felt their deaths needed a little more and so I decided to give them my own tribute. Life is but a dream His name was Akuma. Tommy Oliver knew him as the Dark Man. Existence had known a lot longer as Death. Just a few years earlier he had…
Rise of the Mega Rangers
Disclaimer: Saban owns the Power Rangers and any related characters. Toei owns the concept and characters from Denji Sentai, Mega Ranger on which PRIS was based. This story is set in a universe similar to Conquest of Evil and combines those elements with Mega Ranger. Chris Jones and Mara Carrington are my creations, as is Professor Fairweather. Author's Note: I have no intention of remaining true to any show, Sentai or Power Rangers. This is my own combination of the two formats and my own Conquest of… -
SPD: The Omega Sacrifice
Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers, they belong to their respective copyright owners. This is a fan work and no profit is being sought nor made. Author's note: This is an SPD fic based in the year 2040. There are a few differences from the show mainly that SPD fell due to a traitor, but this is mainly intended to be a prequel to Sam's appearance as well as an explanation of why he is a ball of light. This fic also assumes that even for SPD and their enemies, time travel is not something easily…