Restoring the Balance
by Shadow RangerDisclaimer: Saban owns the Power Rangers, Masked Rider, Beetleborgs, VR Troopers and probably a large number of other things as well. I am using their characters without permission and for no profit whatsoever. Ellen Brand owns Chelsea and Teddy Oliver and I thank her again for letting me use them occasionally. The Doctor, Master, TARDIS, UNIT and Validium are all creations of Terry Nation and appeared in the BBC series Doctor Who. North Valley comes from the series Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad. Queen of the Crown was the villain from Galaxy Rangers and is owned by Saban. Mandarin is owned by Marvel and Golobulus belongs to whoever created Action Force the Movie.
Timeline: This story happens outside of the events of the rest of the series. Prime Reality is the reality where the Conquest of Evil series takes place.
Authors Note: Anything written like ~this~ is a thought, anything like -this- is a conversation Sam is eaves dropping on, [this] is a computer message and anything appearing like *this* is a mental telepathic message.
This story is an alternate version of the Conquest of Evil series. In this place events start after the end of Zeo and before the Turbo movie.
Restoring the Balance
... A rift opened on the edge of the Universe and started to grow. Within minutes it had swallowed most of reality and had started to consume many of the sub-dimensions surrounding Earth. Of all the powerful planets in the universe, only that small and normally overlooked world was immune, because that small world held both the cause of the destruction and the means to stop it.
For days the Dark Dimension had been leaking into the many realities that made up the multiverse, preventing the forces that normally dealt with such problems from maintaining the natural balance. From just a small leak, the hole grew bigger as the space around it was eroded, and bigger until all hell broke loose. Other realities had recognised the threat and had sought to reverse the damage, but they were too late. The moment the rift opened oblivion was almost guaranteed. The only way to slow the wave of darkness was to seek out realities that had not yet been breached and but time for them to find a solution.
The devastation accelerated along with Minion's descent into madness, his desire to destroy everything around him caused the barriers between worlds to shatter. And despite his apparent destruction within the Prime Reality, the splintering of his singular soul fuelled the destruction. The balance of existence shifted dangerously in favour of darkness - for Minion needed to win only one war and there were an unlimited number of battles being fought. If he succeeded then the void that had been tearing through reality after reality would become too large to contain.
On the planet of Gallifrey, within the Prime Reality - for Gallifrey only truly existed within the Prime Reality - the problem had been detected and a solution had been devised. Champions and been selected and sent out to act as agents to slow down the damage while a more permanent solution was sought. A scan of the planet Earth in a nearby reality had detected an artefact capable of solving the problem.
It had taken a tremendous amount of power to manipulate the timeline of another universe, but by turning back the clock just a little, and giving the Power Coin a nudge, the Gallifreans had taken the first steps to solve the problem.
But, time was against them as the wave of destruction had turned back towards its origin. Shielding themselves from the obliterating energy field had greatly limited their ability to act and they knew that they would not be able to do so when the next wave of oblivion hit them the next time. The damage was beyond their ability to fix and they were forced to place their faith in the lower creatures of the Universe and hope for a miracle.
Mount St Hilary, Oregon, USA, An Earth
7 July 1996
A rift opened in the fabric of Space and Time, depositing a small golden coin onto the ground where its new owner would find it. On the coin was the fading symbol of the Dragon. Charged by the powers of Good and Evil and neutralised by Shadow the coin was in perfect balance, ready to help yet another hero fulfil his or her destiny.
Zordon, David and Sam had filled it with the power it needed and now it was ready for action. The Time Lords had found the best place for it to find a worthy avatar and had used most of their fading power to place the coin where it was needed.
A short distance away two friends trekked towards the mountain, hoping to reach the cave hidden beneath the dormant volcano before nightfall. As he walked the blond haired boy suddenly had the feeling that something was about to change. He had no idea how right he was.
Rassilon's Tomb, Gallifrey, Prime Reality
The past, the present and the future
Rassilon's Tomb was one of the most protected places on the planet, although whether that was because of the protections he had built to keep others out or the extreme measures others had gone to to keep him confined within, was unclear. However as the Time Lords had realised that containing the threat they faced was too much even for them, their telepathic pleas had awakened the ancient Time Lord.
Rassilon had spent eons creating defences for Gallifrey and once revived, had used his technology to create a buffer zone made up of layered sacrificial dimensions to slow the progress of the destructive wave. It would buy only a little time, but it was enough to inspire the Time Lords to take action. And as they used their technology to nudge a coin into the correct location, he used his machinery to locate a being to assist him in the recruitment and training of those that could use the coin.
"Are you sure this is wise, Lord Rassilon," the woman asked. She had been created from a female Time Lord and the memories of an Inquirian named Dimitria. The resulting regeneration had grafted the personalities together, giving him the capable assistant he needed.
"The time for interference has long passed," Rassilon replied. "Existence is dying and we are attempting to save at least this reality. To do that we must ensure that Minion always loses. Only then will the balance be restored in our favour."
"But why Rangers?" the woman asked.
"The forces we will be using would take too long to master in their natural state. But when drawn through a Power Coin and bound to a physical template, they become a part of those powers and a matter of instinct. The humans I have selected possess the discipline needed to master such powers and have held the Power in some form or other, within the multiverse. I believe their physical forms will be able to handle the power we give them."
"And if they choose take a side?"
"So long as they do not join forces with Minion, it will make little difference. This is not a battle of Good and Evil, or Right and Wrong, my child. This is existence vs Minion."
"Surely there is some other way. Must we really give such powers to children?" the woman asked.
"You would propose that we give it to a Time Lord instead?" Rassilon asked, clearly amused. "To do so would guarantee failure. They would make assumptions of what needs to be done instead of following the directions I imprinted on the coin, and you are trapped here. No Dimitria, this is a task that MUST be left to the lesser beings. Besides locating the exact reality where the coin resides is beyond our abilities now. We know only that it is on one of the many Earths, but not which. Be assured though that the coin has been touched by good and evil and contains an equal amount of light and dark energy. It is for all intents and purposes neutral."
"I shall trust your judgement Lord Rassilon."
Dimitria looked at the timer on the top of the tombstone. When the counter reached zero it would be too late. The rift would have grown too large for them to repair and the multiverse would be destroyed. She looked down at the two humans Rassilon had chosen and hoped they would be enough.
Minion had kept the vortex to the Dark Dimension open too long. If it was not closed soon all things would come to an end, even Gallifrey.
Mount St Hillary, Oregon USA
8 July 1996
Oscar awoke early to find the sun had already risen. Checking on his companion he discovered him to be asleep. Hardly surprising considering the fact they had fallen asleep talking the night before. Since moving from New York at the age of ten Oscar had never felt secure until he had met Daniel. The two of them had had hung out on a regular basis when Daniel wasn't helping his Uncle Buster at the family's garage.
Something about Daniel's whole family made Oscar feel at ease. Maybe it was because they were so different from the family Oscar had known. Daniel knew who his mother and father were and had a large family to back him up. Oscar had only his mother and the four men in New York she referred to as his uncles. He knew they weren't, but she had felt grateful and made them honorary family. He was still not sure what they had done, but it had something to do with rescuing him from a madman in a museum.
Now Oscar was sixteen and close to finishing school. Coming up to the mountain was a good way to relax on the weekends. Somehow this weekend felt different. Something felt wrong about the mountain and it seemed to be calling Oscar towards his destiny.
He turned and checked that Daniel was asleep before creeping out of the cave and trekking towards the disturbance. A strange light caught his attention and he walked towards it. As he drew near he saw it was a coin. On the back was a three pronged leaf. He bent down to touch it and received a shock as electricity surged through his body and caused him to jump back in shock. Images started to fill his mind of monsters and demons fighting against Spandex clad super heroes. Oscar recognised them as the Power Rangers and the monsters as some of those he had seen on the news.
Against his better judgement Oscar reached down again and picked up the coin. His body was engulfed, this time by orange energy. Knowledge flowed into his mind, showing him what must be done. Holding the coin in front of him he called out, "Omega Ranger power!"
Starting at the feet and working its way up towards his head, orange armour wrapped around his legs, body, and arms and finally head. On the chest the Greek letter Omega appeared to symbolise Infinity of Time. Golden gauntlets and shoulder protection formed on the arms and legs. A shield appeared on his left arm and a sword appeared in his right hand. Suddenly he was everywhere in the universe at all times, an occurrence too great for his human mind. Even as he dropped to the ground his armour vanished.
As his world went black he started to see himself in another place, fighting with the Power Rangers and another he had never seen before against a team of evil Rangers. The Jackal had struck his final blow and was now about to learn the most important rule in the universe; never tangle with the Rangers of Earth. Names flowed into his mind of those he would someday meet and the places he would be needed.
Then the images faded and Oscar drifted into the welcome world of dreams. His destiny could wait. First he needed to sleep.
"Sleep well Omega Ranger," a voice said. "Soon your world will need you and your companion during their time of darkness. A great gift shall be yours. Power and Zords shall help your quest. But never forget the three rules of the Power. Never use your powers for personal gains; never tell anybody you are a Ranger and never escalate a battle unless you are forced to do so. The Power is with you Oscar Barrett. Use it wisely and your planet will be safe."
Then the voice faded leaving Oscar with only his dreams.
Daniel awoke to find his friend gone. At first he thought maybe he was sitting outside, but when he looked he noticed Oscar walking away. He ran a hand through his thick blond hair, a characteristic that baffled his parents. His father had brown hair and his mother's hair was black.
"Oscar!" he called, running down the mountainside to catch up with his companion.
Oscar seemed to ignore him and bent down to pick up an object. Daniel watched as Oscar picked the object up and shouted something. Orange armour appeared around him and then Oscar collapsed.
"Oscar!" Daniel called again. This time he did not expect a reply. He simply ran to his friend and checked to ensure he was breathing
Daniel was naturally curious, something he blamed on coming from a perfectly ordinary family where nothing interesting ever happened. The need to escape the tedium of his life had led to a fascination with science and technology of any kind. It was that natural curiosity that overrode his unease and made him pick up the coin Oscar had found.
Electricity shot through him, opening him to so much knowledge he felt his brain starting to explode. He wanted to scream but was held in place as more knowledge flowed in. New machines and techniques filled his brain. Details of metals he had never before seen and how they could be used and destroyed.
Then the sensation faded and Daniel knew what needed to be done. Holding the coin in front of him he cried out, "Alpha Ranger power!"
A shell of orange light enveloped Daniel, covering him in armour from head to foot. Silver gauntlets and shoulder shield appeared on his body as a sword and shield, similar to the ones worn by Oscar appeared. On his chest appeared the Greek letter Alpha, symbolising the Eternity of Space.
Like Oscar, Daniel experienced an influx of knowledge. His mind started to pinpoint locations throughout the universe, telling him everything from the names of the rulers on Adrexia Seven to the correct way to peel and eat a piece of fruit on Reptrion. Faces of those he would be required to fight and the methods of building machines to defeat them.
In his mind Daniel could hear a faint female voice talking to him. As she whispered Daniel started to understand he was a champion of existence who would fight to prevent the darkness from consuming all realities. He would be a strong, valiant and inventive warrior made even stronger when fighting alongside his friend.
"Rest now Alpha Ranger. Both you and your friend have a difficult task ahead of you. Together you will save not only your universe, but also every other universe that has survived. Know that an evil being has committed a sin so great that the the fate of all realities are at stake, and that we cannot stop it. Therefore, we have gifted you the Power of Space. None may take it from you so long as your path is just."
The voice took a more serious tone as it continued to speak. "You are strong Alpha Ranger. Obey the three rules of the Power and you shall be forever protected. Never use your powers for personal gain; never tell anyone that you are the Alpha Ranger; and never escalate a battle. Unlike Power Rangers, you cannot be bound by the rules, but know that if you ignore them you risk disturbing the balance and your world could end."
As the voice faded so did Daniel. He collapsed to the ground next to his friend. His body working to utilise the energy the coin had given it. The coin however had vanished, seeking the next candidates.
The Lunar Palace, The Moon, Daniel and Oscar's Universe
8 July 1996
Bronzo looked down at the readings he was receiving from the palace's computer system. On the planet below two new sources of energy had appeared, second only to Minion. Bronzo watched as both sources failed and waited for Minion to ask him what had happened. No call came and Bronzo wondered whether his master had failed to detect the sudden surge.
Bronzo was not a genius in name only. He knew when he had a chance to please his master and turning over two new power sources, neither of which appeared to use the Zeo Crystal or Morphin Grid was too good to resist. If he could capture them he could win favour with his master, or better yet gain power for himself. He had already discovered someone attempting to steal the power of the Dark God, currently sedated in the body of Taanya. If someone could steal that power and replace Minion, Bronzo knew he would be next.
"Soaron, I have a job for you."
The giant metal gargoyle appeared before Bronzo. He was a secret project even Minion was unaware of. Armed with the power to reduce its enemies to mere atoms and store them for future use, Bronzo knew it would make the perfect weapon.
"Your orders?" Soaron asked.
"Earth, Mount St Hillary. There are two unknown energy sources. Locate and capture, then return."
"As ordered," Soaron replied.
Bronzo leant back. Unlike Brasso and Silvo, he had more freedom to act combined with advanced logic routines. Right now that logic was screaming for him to take command of Minion's forces and conquer Earth. Such thoughts were treasonous, but at the same time logical. Bronzo knew it was the only way he would gain true power and fulfil the goal of all evil beings, to conquer the Universe.
Daniel awoke to find Oscar looking down at him. As he tried to sit up his friend offered him his hand. Once back on his feet Daniel checked himself over.
"I had the strangest dream," Oscar started. "I dreamt I picked up a coin and turned into the Omega Ranger."
"That was no dream," Daniel told him. "I'm the Alpha Ranger."
"And I thought my 'uncles' had weird lives," Oscar muttered. "This makes all that stuff they talk about seem normal."
"I think we should get back to the cave," Daniel said not keen to let Oscar start talking about his uncles. Apart from living in a firehouse in New York and constantly talking about ghosts, Daniel had never noticed anything odd about them.
"Not so fast human," a mechanical voice said. "I have instructions to detain both of you for experimentation."
Daniel calculated the odds of them surviving a direct assault whilst Oscar chose a more immediate response to their situation. "Run!"
Both boys ran faster than they ever thought possible. With the winged robotic terror on their tail neither boy dared to stop. Oscar let out a moan as he tripped and fell on his face. Daniel was at his side instantly, helping his friend to his feet.
"Consider yourselves captured," Soaron said as he prepared to transform them into atoms.
*Morph!* A voice said to both Oscar and Daniel. Neither boy knew what to do, but they followed their instincts.
From his pocket Daniel pulled a silver coin. From his pocket Oscar retrieved a gold coin. They weren't made from the coin the boys had found earlier. Somehow they had a deeper magic to them. "It's Morphin time!"
"Omega Ranger Power!"
"Alpha Ranger Power!"
As they morphed a link was established between Oscar and Daniel. Time and Space linked together forever. As Soaron fired the two Rangers raised their shields. The blast reflected harmlessly without the Rangers lifting a finger.
Soaron summoned its own sword and attacked. The two Rangers found themselves able to match the winged demon move for move.
"Time Blast!" Omega Ranger called.
Orange light shot from the end of the sword and began to eat away at the metal warrior's body. The steel frame cracked and started to corrode. The machine's power started to drain prematurely.
"Time Blast Reverse!" Omega Ranger called.
The first shot had aged the winged warrior so his body had stretched with age. That was a natural reaction given the materials it was made from. What the material could not take was the sudden reversal, packing the expanded metal into its original space. The result was devastating. Soaron dropped from the sky, as its wings were crushed and no longer able to hold him up. His power supply overloaded due to the sudden feedback.
"Space Rift!" Alpha Ranger called.
A Black Hole opened around Soaron, dragging him inside. Alpha Ranger watched as the once powerful warrior was reduced to scrap by the gravitational field.
"Rift close!" Alpha Ranger shouted.
The Black Hole close, ejecting the crushed remains of Soaron to the ground in front of them.
"It's not that easy Rangers," Bronzo said.
Reaching a control he activated the grow system. A larger version of Soaron launched from the Moon and headed towards Earth. A tractor beam lifted the remains of Soaron into a compartment on the larger version's chest. Soaron was reborn.
Alpha and Omega Rangers watched as Soaron grew. They both doubted they could handle the much larger robot.
*Fear not. Use your powers wisely and the Shadow Grid shall provide.*
More knowledge flowed into the Omega Ranger's mind. He suddenly understood how to call forth technology capable of winning against the beast.
"Omega Guardian!"
A golden humanoid shaped Zord appeared beside the Omega Ranger. The Ranger grew and slid inside the Zord as if it were simply a suit of armour. Inside Oscar discovered that it was simply a piece of armour. The limbs responded to his mental commands, giving him near perfect control over his attacks.
Soaron tried his weapon again, keen to see if maybe it would work against the Zord. It simply reflected off the gold plate, threatening to strike the metal warrior with his own power.
Seeing his friend's success, Alpha Ranger decided it was his turn. "Alpha Sentinel!"
A Zord that looked almost identical to the Guardian appeared and allowed Alpha Ranger to move inside. Stepping forward the Sentinel delivered a punch to Soaron's chest. The Guardian followed up with a kick of its own. Then they combined forces and delivered a double punch.
Soaron retreated slightly before firing laser beams from its eyes. The two Zords fended off the initial attack and summoned their personal weapons to finish the job.
"Sentinel Blaster!"
"Guardian Claw!"
The Guardian Zord's right hand was replaced a three pronged talon. A cannon replaced the Sentinel's left hand. Both Zords prepared to finish the monster. The claw sliced through the monster's armoured skin and the blaster fired into the wound. Soaron gave an electronic scream seconds before exploding.
Moments Later,
Daniel and Oscar found themselves taken from their Zords and demorphed. In front of them stood a woman covered from head to toe in white robes.
"Greeting Oscar Barrett and Daniel Nelson. I am the image of Dimitria of Inquirian, now residing on Gallifrey."
"Another planet," Oscar said in amazement.
"Does it surprise you that there is life on more than one world?" Dimitria asked, some of the personality from the original leaking through.
"No," Daniel admitted. "So why are we here?"
Dimitria held up a mirror and told the boys to look. As they watched they saw events unfolding in different dimensions. Worlds were being ripped apart as a rift in time and space swallowed everything in its path. "This is the villain named Minion. Once a minor monster in the war between good and evil, Minion now stands on the verge of destroying all of existence." They watched as Minion exploded into countless shards that scattered through existence. "Minion was only supposed to exist in one reality. The dividing of his soul has allowed him to appear throughout the multiverse where he will try over and over again to secure victory. Know that he needs only triumph once and all realities will crumble. Minion has upset the balance in many universes and the heroes of those worlds are ill-equipped to deal with him. We needed champions to restore the balance, drive Minion back into his true form and then destroy Minion; his destruction will allow the rift to close and end the wave of darkness. You are our champions."
Dimitria hated sentencing Minion to death without the option to surrender, but his continued existence meant that the rift could not be sealed completely so long as he remained. She had aligned herself with the Shadow Grid and had to believe that the call for Minion's demise was the only way to maintain the balance.
"Where do we start?" Oscar asked.
"You have already started upon you journey. The Shadow Grid will guide you as you travel between realities and undo the damage Minion has caused. Along the way you will meet others who will help you in your quest. Some will only be able to assist you once, others will join you on your journey. Do you accept your role?"
"I do," Oscar and Daniel said together.
A portal opened in front of them. "Then step through the portal and let your journey begin," Dimitria said. As they walked through a part of the true Dimitria added, "May the Power protect you."
Another Reality,
They had lost count of the years that had passed since they had stepped through the portal. In the years that had followed the Omega and Alpha Rangers had travelled to hundreds of realities. Along the way they found six companions, each of whom held a special power. Together they formed a team known as the Shadow Rangers and attempted to contain the damage Minion caused.
They had just returned from a reality where they had been asked to do something that went against everything they believed in. They had encountered a version of Minion that had been a good person. And they had been forced to fight and to destroy him in order to restore the balance. For the fate of existence depended upon their victory... Good or evil, Minion could never be allowed to triumph.
Minion had refused to fight them and had accepted his fate. If anything that had made their task even more difficult, but they had found the courage to complete their self-appointed mission, aware that in doing so they had had the blood of the innocent on their hands. It had sickened them and was something Oscar hoped they would never have to do again.
It had had a long journey through Time, Space and virtually every reality. Now it was returning home to its own reality and its original holder. Once a symbol of good, then used for evil, then severed from its power before its twin was created. The twin had travelled to the past, but had been reunited with the original and helped a clone find the right course. Joined together the original and twin were freed from the clone and thrown away. Now balanced with equal amounts of good and evil it was ready to fulfil the remainder of its destiny.
Many lives had been touched during its journey, but eight of them had joined together to form a team. They fought for neither good nor evil, only to maintain the balance of existence by defeating Minion wherever he appeared without realising that even if they saved existence, their homes were already lost.
Each had limited control of one of the fundamental forces of the multiverse, channelled through the Shadow Grid, by means of a single coin, which was seeking its home. They wore suits of orange with only their shoulder and body armour revealing their identities. Guided by the will of the Shadow Grid they were ready to leap into battle when needed.
Yes, it had been an interesting journey. But now the Green Power Coin had returned to its own world and sensed that its original living owner needed its help. In a flash of grey the coin disappeared, seeking to be located with its human on last time.
Temporal Command Centre,
past, present and future
Dimitria deactivated the screen and turned back to the chosen warriors. Eight of them, selected by the Shadow Grid to destroy Minion and help restore the balance and harmony to the Universe. They were seated around the octagonal table that acted as the control station for the Temporal Command Centre. Unlike the Power Chamber or the bases used by Rangers around the galaxy, the Temporal Command Centre did not have a fixed location within the Multiverse.
In fact it was a TARDIS, a vehicle capable of moving through Time and Space. On the outside in a no larger than a small pillar, but on the inside it was infinitely large, a dimension in and of itself, immune to the Laws of Physics. The control room was white, the walls covered by circular wall tiles behind which vital circuitry was hidden. The eight-segment table had a central column designed to indicate time and location. It also acted as a secondary navigation control.
The entire TARDIS was telepathic and control as much by the operator's thoughts as by the manipulation of a few knobs and levers. A link had been created between the eight Rangers, Dimitria and the TARDIS allowing them an equal say in where they ended up.
"Would you not say that the situation is dire?" she asked.
"I would," Oscar the Omega Ranger agreed. "So can you please stop asking questions and tell us what to do?"
"Minion's actions have grown more and more aggressive each time you have encountered a part of him. From this point you will no longer have time to prevent him from unleashing the dark powers. From here on each time you encounter him he will be closer and closer to victory and your actions must be decisive." Dimitria explained. "Behold the Temporal Viewscreen."
On one wall of the TARDIS glowed as the viewscreen opened to show the next sequence of pictures. The scenes were obviously of Earth and the Power Rangers. But these Rangers were losing and in need of help.
"Minion's destructive influence is at its peak. Using the death of the Zeo Rangers to set an example, Minion went on to fight the other Rangers directly. He did something no other villain had accomplished and killed a Ranger. Worse he killed six Rangers and one potential Ranger. His success was enough to make some of the Ranger doubt themselves. This effected their teamwork, a factor Minion manipulated until he finished them with a single blow. If you do not step in, if you cannot defeat him, those Rangers will die and Minion will have his victory. The consequences for the multiverse if he does so, will be dire.
Dimitria stopped talking as the screen showed the results. The single victory was enough to push the balance of power in Minion's favour, energising the wave of destruction as it tore through the remnants of the multiverse.
"Much has happened since I first found you," she said. "My world of Gallifrey is gone, the Prime Reality has been lost. All that remain now are a handful of universes where Minion is on the brink of victory. If he wins just once existence will fall to darkness, if he is not defeated before the wave of oblivion strikes, existence will simply end. Only his complete destruction will allow the restoration of the Prime Reality and the recovery of the multiverse. The process started eons ago and continues at this moment; we are minutes from extinction.
"This time I will tell you what must be done: you must travel to Earth and stop Minion. If you are successful time will correct itself and Minion will be destroyed before he can kill Justin."
"Let's go," Oscar said signalling for his friends to follow.
As the eight Shadow Rangers stepped out of the TARDIS, Dimitria realised her time had come. One corner of the room was missing, a swirling vortex in its place. She fought the temptation to run and lose herself inside the TARDIS; as vast as the TARDIS was Dimitria knew she could never escape the void. Instead she transferred as much power into the Shadow Grid as possible before she lowered the shield and allowed the destruction through. With luck feeding upon the TARDIS would delay it a little and buy some much needed time...
Either way it was out of the hands of the Time Lords and higher beings, and the fate of what remained of existence was firmly in the hands of the mortals. For some reason she had never been more confident of victory.
The End?