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Disclaimer: If I said that the Rangers were mine, Saban would have me killed. Same goes for Wonder Woman, JLA, and DC Comics, as well as Xena, Gabrielle, and MCA/Universal. TIME TRAVEL WARNING! There is definitely time travel involved in this tale, and before you ask, no, the Rangers and Wonder Woman do NOT go back in time. Possibility of culture shock for Xena and Gabrielle. Don't say you weren't warned. End sequence paraphrased from 'There She Is, Miss Amphipolis.'

Kimberly, Zack, and Trini: Warrior Rangers
By Carl Turner

The Angel Grove Museum of Ancient History was filled to full capacity with the tour of the Xena scrolls. Kimberly Hart, Zack Taylor, Trini Kwan, and Diana Prince were there to see the historical items from the earliest days of civilization, telling the tales of a heroic warrior princess.

"I couldn't believe how packed the place was. You almost have to make a reservation just to get in the door!" Trini sulked.

"Yeah, I'm really bummin' about it! I've heard all about those scrolls, and wanted to check 'em out for myself!" Zack frowned.

Diana was optimistic about the situation. "You know, we've still got two more days before they leave California. We can make plans to..." This was interrupted by an unwanted pack of clay-brains.

Kimberly snarled, "Putties! I knew this day was gonna go from bad to worse! Well, let's take these potheads out!"

As the four started to fight the putties, Trini noted that one of them took out a strange jewel and threw it away from the fight.

"Careful, gang! Looks like we may be getting more grief!" The jewel then started to glow, then exploded into a weird doorway of light.

Zack had a pretty appropriate response. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT DAMN THING?!"

Meanwhile... (about 2000 or so years ago) Two women were grousing about their most recent adventure.

"I don't care if the end result is total warfare! I will never, I mean NEVER, EVER AGAIN go undercover in a beauty contest! NEVER!" Xena snarled.

"Well, you gotta admit, it was a lot different than our usual tales of danger and catastrophe," Gabrielle told her.

"True. I usually don't dress like a tramp or act like a total IDIOT! I HATE pageants! Four days watched pigheaded warlords and a bunch of underdressed overdeveloped BIMBOS in a BEAUTY CONTEST?!? NEVER! NEVER AGAIN!"

"Uh, Xena? What is that glow in front of us?" Gabrielle whispered.

"I'm not sure. It looks like a passageway of some sort. In any case, we won't find out what that is standing here. Let's go!"

Kimberly had her hands full with three putties when...


When she looked up, a woman in a brown leather outfit with an odd-looking breast-plate was making short work of the claybrains.

"What sort of creatures are these things? More importantly, where are we?" the woman asked.

"Angel Grove, California. Where did you think you were?" Kimberly asked impatiently.

"Celaphonia... wait? What is 'California?'" the mystery woman replied.

Kimberly was amazed that her companion didn't seem to know about her surroundings. In fact, she seemed to be downright out of place. On a hunch, she asked, "What year do you think this is?" The answer she got...


"Actually, you're 1982 years off. It's 1996, and, I may be way off base here, but you just traveled through time, probably through that portal thing over there," Kimberly explained as best as she could.

Xena interrupted, "Let's worry about all that later, how do you stop these...?"

"Putties. Hit 'em in the 'Z.' That usually does the trick," Kimberly finished.

"GABRIELLE! Hit these... putties... on that spot marked 'Z.' Don't give them any opening, anywhere!" the Warrior Princess yelled to her partner, who was helping Trini finish off her group of the putties.

"Persistent creeps, aren't they?" Gabrielle asked.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. For brainless creatures, they can really test your patience," Trini told her.

Meanwhile, Zack and Diana were slamming putties together. "Man, we're gonna have to recycle way too much clay after this!" Zack grumbled.

"Getting back to the issue at hand, I believe our two new allies came from that portal, or gateway, or whatever that is, probably intended to send us somewhere. Three guesses as to who sent it," Diana quipped.

"Easy. Rita and Zedd. Odds are, it would have been a one-way trip, knowing those two. Now what?" Zack asked.

Gabrielle spoke up then. "Xena, it looks like we went through some kind of time portal and wound up in 1982 years in the future! Now, how are we supposed to get back home to our own time?"

A stunned Trini gasped, "Xena?"

"I was when I woke up this morning. You?"

"Trini Kwan. It's an honor to... HEADS UP! MORE PUTTIES!"

Zack bellowed, "THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD IT! Let's finish these things! Kim, Trini, shall we go to work?

"Let's do it!"

"Let's kick some putty!"





"On that note, time I got into my working clothes," Diana shouted, reaching into dimensional space to get her Magic Lasso. Billy had created a special vibration to change whatever clothing she was wearing into her Wonder Woman armor. "Time to finish this. Black Ranger?"

"In the groove, ready to move!"

"Pink Ranger?"

"Let's smash these clay pots!"

"Yellow Ranger?"

"Powered up and ready!"

The six warriors quickly went to work, Xena quickly kicking and punching as skillfully as any of the Rangers. Trini noticed that she could probably give both Jason and Tommy a run for their money, maybe even give Batman a real workout. Xena noticed that all of her new friends were very adapt at fighting, especially Trini. In almost record time, the putties were completely trashed. "Now that those are out of the way, let's see about getting you home to your own timeframe. I assume that the portal is still over... Uh, guys? The portal is gone. I guess they did intend for us to have a one way trip," Wonder Woman finished.

"Our one way home is GONE?!? I do NOT believe this! There must be a certain group of gods who have it in for us!" Gabrielle shouted.

By this time, the Rangers had demorphed. Trini suggested, "Maybe Zordon could create a time portal that could get you back to your own time period. We'll need this though," as she picked up the diamond-like substance.

"Well, it's worth a try, anyway," Wonder Woman added.

At the Command Center, Alpha 5 was examining the jewel while Zordon told them, "Since the Chronogen is magical in nature, I can recharge its energy to full, it will take quite a while, however, given the amount of time energy that Rita had used to keep herself young, and the temporal distance than the two of you have crossed to get here."

"Chronogem?" Kimberly asked, confused.

"Yes. The chronogem, in addition to being able to create temporal portals anywhere, past or future, it also can keep the wielder eternally young. Beautiful, however, is another matter. Because Rita is evil, quite naturally, she will get ugly, no matter what. If, let's say, Trini held it, not only would she stay young, she would still be beautiful, even after 50,000 years," Zordon revealed.

"That could put a lot of plastic surgeons out of business," Zack joked.

"We also know now how it came to run low on energy. Rita using it for almost 10,000 years, and it still didn't do a damn thing for her! Talk about greedy!" was Wonder Woman's response.

"What do Gabrielle and I do in the meantime?" Xena asked.

"Well, since you both won't remember anything about this little time trip except us, it really won't do any harm for them to explore our world," Zordon spoke up.

By now, Gabrielle was totally confused. "How different could your world be from ours."

Trini told her, "You'd be surprised. A lot can and has changed in

over 1982 years."

Within 27 minutes, Xena and Gabrielle discovered just how much different the world was from what they knew. Neither were used to the concepts of electricity, indoor plumbing, (after all, it had been almost 2000 years), cable and satellite TV, clothing stores, music stores, telephones, restaurants, and just about everything else. Kimberly tried to explain the concept of shopping malls.

"You mean people actually build places for trading and selling? What a world this is!" Xena marveled.

Kimberly was dumbfounded. "Maybe this isn't the time to explain credit cards just yet."

"Credit cards?" Gabrielle asked.

"Never mind. Maybe later." It was at this point that Kimberly noticed something about Xena's armor, mostly the design and texture, reminding her of a family heirloom. "My family has this item I think dates back to your era. Maybe you can tell me all about it."

"My mom said it was almost 2000 years old," Kimberly told Xena. They were now at Kim's house, examining a ring that was ancient in design. "She said it involved one of my ancestors who was saved by... NO WAY! She was about to become a sacrifice of some weird deity."

"...Of Fertility. A couple of days ago, Gabrielle and I rescued a young woman from some sicko tribal priest, who also seemed to get a form of sick joy out of the whole thing," Xena replied.

Kimberly whispered, "If it weren't for you, I might not even be here. Hey, I owe you a major thank you!"

"My pleasure. By the way, what is a 'Power Ranger?'" Xena asked.

"Power Rangers protect the Earth from total turkeys like Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, and lately, some earthbound scum, Brainiac comes to mind. As for how we became Power Rangers, well..." Kimberly started, when Diana, Zack, Trini, and Gabrielle came in, along with Tommy Oliver, who had just heard about his teammate's recent run-in with the putties, and was completely blown away with his first glimpse of Xena.

After being brought up to date by Kimberly, Tommy asked, "How long do you think you'll be here in this timeframe?"

Xena truthfully answered, "I wish I knew. To tell you the truth, it depends on your friend Zordon. As for your world, it moves a little too fast for me."

"Too fast for you? Shall we talk truly ironic here. We don't exactly live the quiet life ourselves, either," Gabrielle smirked.

"Kimberly was telling me all about the Power Rangers. How old are you, and how did you become these super teens?" Xena asked.

"17," Zack told her.

"I'm 17, too," Kimberly chimed in.

"18 here," Trini spoke.

"19," Tommy said.

Trini piped up, "The others are 18, 19, and 18, and wait 'til you meet them."

"As for how we became Power Rangers, it all started when a really ugly, evil creature from the pits of hell, named Rita Repulsa, escaped from her dungeon can-cell. She then started her plans to destroy the planet," Kimberly told her.

"That was when Zordon first chose Trini, Kim, me, Jason, and Billy to become Rangers. Rita's kept us hopping ever since," Zack finished.

"Two months after that, Rita captured me, and made me her evil Green Ranger. The Rangers were able to break the spell, and I've been with them ever since, first as the Green Ranger, then, when my powers were gone, as the White Ranger," Tommy added.

"Samantha made the scene three weeks later after that. Rita tried to do the same thing to her, but Zordon had gotten to the Purple Power Coin before she did, and rescued her from a putty ambush. She then accepted the Coin, and became the Purple Ranger, and the seventh member of the team," Trini finished.

"And only one week ago, all seven Rangers helped the JLA crush a major scheme by Lex Luthor, and a seemingly reformed Legion of Doom. after that, they became the newest and youngest members of the Justice League of America," Diana added.

Xena was suddenly taken by a charm that Zack was wearing. "Not to change the subject, but I've seen that before. How long has that been in your family?"

"Longer than I can tell you. It was said to have come from one of my ancestors, a guy named after the God of joy and revelry, Dionysus," Zack told her.

"Dionysus? Uh-oh!" the Warrior Princess paled suddenly.

"Dionysus? One of your former lovers? This is too wild for words!" Gabrielle shouted in a voice that could be heard for almost thirty miles.

"Former lover? JAMMIN'!" Zack shouted with obvious glee.

"Oh, God, we're never gonna hear the end of this!" Trini moaned.

The Yellow Ranger was polishing a half of a round disc, with ornate decoration. "I brought this over to see what you could make of this. My mom said, according to family legend, the other half was lost in battle almost 1,550 years ago."

Gabrielle looked at the chakram that was always at Xena's side, then looked in her own pack. She then pulled out a piece that was nearly identical to Trini's. "Um, Xena, didn't you say that you had a second chakram in your family, belonging to your father before he was killed in battle? His children held on to one half, but we got the other half from his killers. Do you think..."

"Hold on. There's only one way to prove this. Trini, let me see your piece. Maybe they do..." Xena started as she brought the two pieces together. There was a pull from both pieces, almost as if they were two magnets. A sound of clanking steel, a blinding flash, and when the light cleared, there was a whole, second chakram.

Trini sputtered, "Zack, I think I got you beat."

"So you're one of my descendants. Well, this is yours now. Use it well. With your line of work, you'll probably need it."

"Is that the truth! Thanks."

Right then, the communicators went off. Zordon's voice rang out, "Rangers, Goldar and a team of Tengas and Putties are giving Jason and Hawkman trouble in the park. They need your help. Hurry there at once, and may the Power protect you all!"

Tommy shouted, "You got it, Zordon. IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!"





Diana also transformed into Wonder Woman once more. "Tommy, if you don't mind me saying it this time, BACK TO ACTION!"

In seconds, the seven warriors were at their fellow Leaguer's side, fighting Tengas, Putties, and Goldar, Zedd's right hand monster.

"Well, it looks like I finally get to finish you off, White Ranger!" the simian louse retorted.

Tommy snarled, "Bring it on, you Wizard of Oz reject!"

Soon, Tommy and Goldar were going at it tooth and nail, while Kimberly, Zack, and Hawkman kept slamming both Tengas and putties into the ground, trees, playground rides, passing busses, and at one point, even into a portable barbecue grill.

Kimberly joked, "Southern Fried Tenga, anyone?"

Zack added, "It's finger-licking good!"

Hawkman chuckled, "I think I'll pass."

Scorpina had just arrived and tried to attack Jason from behind, when she was caught completely off-guard by Wonder Woman. The Avenging Amazon walked right up to her, tapped her on the shoulder, and said, "Hi, there," very smugly before knocking her into dreamland.

Tommy, however, wasn't fairing as well against Goldar this time around. In fact, Goldar had him cornered and at a disadvantage. Goldar was about to use his sword to deliver the final, killing blow, grinning, "So long, White Ranger. You've fought your last fight!," when two deadly, razor-sharp disc-weapons flew through the air, both aimed at Goldar. One smashed into his sword, trashing it, while the other hit him in the forehead, knocking him out and leaving a nasty gash. Before blacking out, he saw both Trini and Xena flying at him, fists armed and ready, a flash of colors, a sense of extreme pain, then blessed unconsciousness.

Trini walked over to Scorpina, who was just waking up, and yelled, "Now take your garbage and GET THE HELL OFF MY PLANET!"

"The chronogem is fully charged and working again. Xena, Gabrielle, thank you for your help. I do regret that you won't remember anything else about this time frame, outside of us," Zordon spoke.

Gabrielle smiled, "I wouldn't have missed it for anything, although it would have been nice if I had met one of MY descendants!"

"Trini, how are you taking all of this?" Xena asked.

"It's kind of a shock. I'm related to one of history's greatest heroines. This is really a lot to take in at once." Trini smiled, "My family is going to royally flip!"

"You now have a powerful weapon to use in your battle against the forces of Rita and Zedd. Use it with pride," Xena told her, then hugged her young counterpart.

Trini returned the hug, whispering, "I'll make you proud of me."

Xena whispered back, "I will always be proud of you. Be proud, Trini. Remember your family is your power. It was nice meeting the rest of you as well. Take care of her."

"We will, and you take care, too," Zack grinned.

"You both be careful, too," Kimberly cheered.

Wonder Woman, Tommy, Jason, and Hawkman smiled and waved goodbye.

The time portal opened. "Good luck, and may the power protect you both!" Zordon spoke.

"Give Rita and Zedd no mercy! Trash both of them! Good luck, my young friends!" Xena shouted as she and Gabrielle jumped back through the portal. In seconds, the portal disappeared.

"Man, awesome! Simply awesome!" Zack smiled. He then looked at Jason's hurt expression. "What's up, bro?"

The Red Ranger frowned and said, "You guys actually met Xena and didn't think to call me and let me know!"

"We didn't call you because you would be drooling all over the place!" Kimberly smirked.

"You'd have your tongue hanging out!" Tommy added.

"And basically making a damn fool of yourself!" Zack finished.


"Yeah, YOU!"

Trini, meanwhile, was looking at the chakram that was now part of her armor as the Yellow Ranger. She now had two power weapons to call her own. Thinking about her heritage, Trini was brought out of her reverie by Wonder Woman. "Penny for your thoughts?" Diana asked.

"Man, the past two and a half weeks have been just so damn cool. I just realized how lucky I really am. One great family, cool friends, the ability to defend my planet against supercreeps, a member of the world's greatest superteam, and now, one fantastic heritage. I'm thinking, 'Am I blessed, or what?' How much better can my life get?" Trini bubbled over.

"Well, it certainly looks like it. Right now, you are flying pretty high, and with good reason, so, for now, just try to enjoy it, and remember it's not all just fun and games. Things will get a lot tougher at times, so you have to take it all in stride. But for now, let's shelve this and go help Jason. He looks like he's being put through the wringer, and the rest of the gang isn't going to make it any easier for him."

"Oh, poor Jason. But, I gotta add to the fun, too!" Trini grinned.

At this point, 1,982 years in the past, Xena and Gabrielle had returned to the very point where the last adventure had begun.

"I don't remember much about our little trip, but I get the feeling that the future is definitely in good hands. Gabrielle, are you going to write about this?"

"You bet. I was thinking about calling it... 'Xena's Mighty Morphin Power Warriors.' How about that?"


"How about 'Wonder Rangers?'"


"'Super Friends?'"


"OK, OK!"

The End

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