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Disclaimer: Power Rangers, Mighty Morphin and Zeo, don't belong to me (I wish!) They belong to Saban. DC heroes, JLA, and all related items don't belong to me either (Damn!) DC comics owns them. The Avengers, John Steed, Emma Peel, Purdey, and Mike Gambit aren't mine either (I can't get a break!) Luminere owns them. This is my first 2-parter, but it is also a self-contained story. Here we go...

Avengers Zeo, Part One: Pink, Yellow, Black and Blue
By Carl Turner

Zordon scanned the intergalactic dimensions, always looking for new forces of power to use in the fight against evil. On this session, he rediscovered a very potent, powerful source. Alpha 5 was on hand when he found it. "Alpha! I've found the Zeo Crystals scattered throughout three eras. Two in this era, two back in the sixties, and two in the seventies. Contact the Rangers and some of the Leaguers. We could use their help in this endeavor."

At this time, Tommy Oliver, Samantha Dean, Jason Lee Scott, and Billy Cranston were helping two new students, Tanya Sloan and Adam Park, adjust to their surroundings, Angel Grove High School. Tanya in particular, seemed to be nervous about starting the school year in a new school.

"It's still all so strange, nothing that I know about this place. I'm glad that you and your friends have helped us so far," Adam told them.

Tommy spoke up, "Believe me, I know what it's like, being the new kid. You'll find your way around here."

Jason was about to speak when their communicators went off, followed by Zordon's voice. "Rangers, teleport to the Command Center right away, and bring your five new friends here as well, for this also concerns them as well. This is of the utmost important." This was after school was over for the day, so no one was concerned about cutting class.

Tanya asked, "What was that all about, and who was that?"

Jason just smiled and said, "You have to see it to truly believe it." Holding on to their new friends, they teleported out.

In seconds, all nine teens were at the Command Center, joined by Trini Kwan, Zachary Taylor, Kimberly Hart, and six Justice Leaguers, Batman, Robin, Flash, Wonder Woman, and two Green Lanterns: Kyle Rayner, the newest GL, and Hal Jordan, who had recently returned to action. They were soon joined by Black Canary and Isis. Rocky was truly shocked by all of this. "Uh, Tommy, what's going on here?"

Tommy went straight to the point. "Well, guys, the truth is, we're the Power Rangers. As for why Zordon had us bring you here, I have no idea."

Zordon's boomed just then. "Rangers, your friends were called to become part of the Ranger team. I have recently discovered a great source of power known as the Zeo Crystal. It has been broken into seven shards, and scattered throughout three time ears: the 1960's, the 1970's, and today. Recent tracking puts the pink and yellow shards in London, England, 1966, and the blue and black shards in the same place, this time in 1976. If Rita and Zedd get their hands on these, it could mean disaster for the Earth, and the known universe. We cannot allow that to happen."

"Hal and Kyle can get us into both eras, no problem. But why were Kat, Tanya, Rocky, Adam, and David brought here?" Trini asked.

"Because, they must be asked if they want to assume this power, and become a 2nd Ranger force, known as the Zeo Rangers," Zordon told them.

"Wait a minute, do we know these five kids can handle this sort of power? I mean, how will they be able to handle themselves in a fight?" a concerned Flash asked.

"I know, because I've seen Rocky and Adam in practice for various tournaments, and from sparring with them on occasion. They're both good," Jason vouched.

"Kat and Tanya also have the same potential. We can trust them took," spoke Trini.

"I've gotten to know David very well this summer. I know he'd make a damn good Ranger," Tommy replied.

"And all five can handle stressful situations. Remember that earthquake in Stone Canyon? They handled emergency situations, helping the homeless, medical assistance, almost anything. If anyone deserves to be Rangers, these five do," Billy revealed.

Tanya asked, "How did you know all that?"

Billy told her, "Remember when the Blue Ranger came along with Superman to help out with the relief efforts?"

"You're the Blue Ranger?"


Zordon then spoke up once again. "Rangers, our five new allies must know of the three rules that Rangers must follow:

"1. Never use your powers for personal gain.

"2. Never enter a battle unless the forces of evil escalate it, and

"3. Always keep your identity secret. No one must ever know you are Power Rangers."

"You got it!" Rocky shouted.

"Always!" Adam declared.

"We'll always keep your secret," Tanya declared.

"You can count on us," David added.

"And we will never betray you," Kat said firmly.

Samantha broke in. "When do we get started, Zordon?"

"As soon as you morph. Alpha and I will explain all about what we do to our five new allies. Good luck, and may the power protect you," Zordon said.

"OK, guys, IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Tommy yelled.








Batman spoke up, "Black, Pink, White, and Yellow Rangers will come with Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Hal Jordan, and myself into the 1966 period."

"And the Red, Purple, and Blue Rangers will come with Flash, Robin, Isis, and myself into 1976," Kyle spoke up.

"All right people, let's do it!" Isis yelled. In a matter of moments, two green flashes of light covered the two groups, and soon, they were gone.

Downtown London: 1966:

As the flash of green light died down, the eight time-traveling heroes promptly got to work in searching for the pink and yellow shards of the Zeo crystal when a rather portly, well-dressed man in his early 40's was being chased by three street punks, and five creatures the Rangers knew all too well.

"Heads up, PUTTIES!" Kimberly yelled.

"And they're after that man! He must have found one of the shards! We gotta get him to safety and gets those creeps off his back!" Wonder Woman shouted.

Soon, the battle was raging on. Zack and Kimberly took the man to safety and stayed with him while Tommy, Trini, and Batman trashed putties left and right. Black Canary and Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) took to the young toughs who were with the putties and nailed them with well-placed punches and kicks.

Goldar had also appeared, and truthfully expected to do battle with Tommy or Jason, and take both shards. Instead, he found himself about to receive a major beating from Wonder Woman. The winged ape was definitely outclassed in every way, and quickly retreated. "This isn't over yet, Amazon!" he snarled, before leaving in a flash of golden fire.

"Are you all right, sir?" Kimberly asked.

"Yes, I am, thanks to you and your friends, but I must get this to Seed," he told them.

Both Zack and Kimberly had bolts of realization. "Of course! Steed! He's talking about John Steed! Oh man, this is like fantasy of mine, to actually work with him and Emma Peel!" Zack squealed with joy.

Batman had overheard this conversation. "Of course! 1966! If I may ask your name?"

"I am Professor Emil Vasil. Can any of you oddly dressed people get me in touch with him?"

"We seem to be only one block from his place, 13 Stable Mews. Let's go!" Zack said, definitely overjoyed.

Soon, the heroes were at 13 Stable Mews, where Zack quickly rang the doorbell. Kimberly quickly though, "How do we explain ourselves? I mean, we just can't go up to him and say, 'Hi, we're from the future, 30 years from now, and we need your help in finding a pink crystal shard and a yellow crystal shard, so we can use them to save the universe.'?"

"Why not? From what I've read about them, they've dealt with much wilder things than this," Black Canary told her.

Right then, the door opened, and in five seconds, Zack was in love. A beautiful, cultured woman answered the door. Deep blue eyes, clear, silky skin, and a lilting voice, plus long, chocolate brown hair, she would be called an 'English Rose.' However, she wore a black-leather outfit with matching boots. "Hello, you're a little early for beggars' eve, aren't you?"

"Uhm, this is going to seem pretty wild, but we are from the future, 30 years to be exact, and we're here looking for two crystal shards, pink and yellow. These are very important to the safety and well-being of Earth's future," Tommy said rather bluntly.

"Come in, please. And before anyone asks, that story sounds so bizarre, no one could have made it up, it has to be true. Just a second, I'll fetch Steed. By the way, Mrs. Peel, please, sit down."

Only two minutes had passed, when Mrs. Peel returned, with a well-dressed, seemingly well-cultured English Gentleman. Zack was the first to shake his hand. "Mrs. Peel tells me you are from the future. You are..."

"The Justice League of America. We are looking for two shards of crystal called the Zeo Crystal. But first, this gentleman was being pursued by some very evil putties and some street punks," Wonder Woman told him.

"Emil! How are you, old boy! I see you've gotten yourself on the spot again. What can I do to help?" Steed asked.

Vasil told them, "I must get my plans to the Yanks in America, but as for those crystal shards, I think I have found them." He opened a large valise, and pulled out a yellow, long, crystalline shard, at the top this symbol: =

"The second Zeo shard!" Trini shouted.

"Thank you, professor. Now we have to find the pink shard. But, it seems you need help in getting the professor to the States. How can we help?" Zack asked without any hesitation.

"No doubt the airports will be watched by our enemies, your putties, and the people after the Professor's papers. Steed, I have a plan, and these young people can help us pull it off. Can we depend on your assistance?" Mrs. Peel asked.

"Of course!" the four Rangers shouted.

"You've got it," Green Lantern and Black Canary added.

"What do we do first?" Wonder Woman asked.

Two hours later, the professor was at the airport, awaiting his flight, when a large group of toughs, led by a sneering fiend named Perov, started toward him, determined to stop him. At that moment, a group of screaming pop fans, led by Kimberly, Trini, and Black Canary cut them off. Zack and Tommy, dressed as a rock and roll duo, the object of the screaming fans, also added to the mass of confusion, which soon included Mrs. Peel, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern, as British paparazzi, snapping cameras, flashbulbs going off, blinding the hit men long enough to get Vasil out of harm's way. Batman quickly got him to a private car, where Steed quickly got the professor to a waiting private plane, and soon, he was safely on his way to the states, while the heroes took out the group of friends. Steed looked at all the unconscious would-be-killers, and smiled. "Not bad. Jolly good, in fact."

Mrs. Peel spoke, "You said you were also looking for a pink crystal? I think I found it. Take a look." She then produced a shimmer pink crystalline shard with an oval at the top of it.

"That's it! Thanks," Kimberly smiled.

"You've really helped us out quit a lot. Thank you," Wonder Woman told the super agents.

"Hey, you helped us out, too. If you're ever back this way, timewise..." Mrs. Peel told them.

"Actually, Mrs. Peel and I have some vacation time stored up. If you wouldn't mind...?" Steed asked.

"Sounds good to us!" Tommy smiled.

After a quick phone call to their superiors, John Steed and Emma Peel joined the heroes traveling back to 1996, Mrs. Peel asking, "Why do you wear those strange helmets?"

Meanwhile... Downtown London, 1976

As the green flash cleared, Jason quickly spoke up, "We'd better start looking for the blue and black crystal shards. Zordon did say that Rita and Zedd would be looking for the Zeo crystal shards as well."

"Is it me, or does it seem that Zedd's heart isn't in his evildoing these days? I mean, it's almost as if, well, it's not really him doing these things. Like Zedd would rather not be doing this," Flash mused.

"You're right. I'll ask Zordon about it when we get back. Meanwhile, let's get our minds back to the task at hand," Isis told them.

Screaming people interrupted their train of thought. "Looks like trouble's followed us here! Let's get to work!" Samantha bellowed.

In seconds, they saw the cause of the screams. A group of bird-like humanoids, called Tengas, were trashing Trafalgar Square, making their way towards what was once called 'Carnaby Street.'

"Hold it, bird-brains," Robin and Jason shouted as one.

Spinning their heads around, the Tengas attacked the young heroes, but as they did, a young woman in a Triumph '76 Roadster stopped her car, leaped into the fight, kicking the Tengas in a very sensitive area, causing them extreme pain. Billy noticed this, and then a lightbulb went off in his head. "This woman, I've read about her, in the JLA Files. Glad she came along, we could really use her help."

Within seconds, with the young woman's help, the putties were chased away, and soon, they started their search for the Zeo blue and black crystal shards.

"Thanks for your help. I'm Isis, this is Flash, Robin, Red Ranger, Purple Ranger, Green Lantern, and Blue Ranger. That was a risky thing you did, please try not do anything like that again, OK?"

"Uh, Isis, it's in her job description. She's one of England's top agents, working under Steed. Am I correct?" Billy quickly corrected her.

"That's right! How did you know that?" the woman asked.

"We're from the future. You are known as Purdey, right?"

"Yes. Steed is away right now. Why are you here? From the future, you say?"

Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) finally spoke up. "Yes, and we're looking for two particular crystal shards, one blue, one black. Have you seen anything like that around today, have you?"

"Not today. But, I am on my way to check out a crash in Hereford. Two weird meteorites crashed near a pasture. Gambit is already out there," Purdey said.

"Mike Gambit," Samantha asked.

"That's the one."

Robin said, "Well, then, let's go! Those may be our shards."

Soon, at Hereford, however, they and Mike Gamit were fighting more Tengas, doing their level best to keep them from getting their claws on the meteorites. "Lightning Strike!" Isis bellowed. In seconds, lightning bolts struck the bird-creatures, deep frying them. Flash and Green Lantern nailed even more of them, Flash sent them flying into a ring-created vise, smashing them totally. Jason and Samantha trashed their tengas by using a double play that they had no idea would be used. In seconds, those Tengas were trashed. Robin and Gambit beat the hell out of the last few Tengas, leaving Purdey and Billy to check on the meteorites. "It's them! The Blue and black Zeo Crystal shards! We've gotta get them back, now!" Billy shouted.

"Billy, are you sure those are them?" Samantha asked.

"Take a look," Billy told her.

The blue crystalline shard had a triangle at its top, while the black shard had at its apex, a rectangle.

"Just what was all of this about?" Gambit asked.

"The well-being of our planet in the future. We'd better be going back now, thanks again," Robin told them.

With both the blue and black shards in their possession, the green light rose over the seven heroes, and when it faded, they had vanished, returning to their own time.

Just before both teams returned, the Command Center was soon under attack from a putty squad, intent on destroying the Center. Kat, Tanya, Rocky, Adam, and David waded into the putties, and their leader, Rito Revolto, by first slamming the putties into each other, then tricking Rito into a anti-gravity room in the center, making him helpless.

Kat grinned. "Gotcha!"

"NOOO!" Rito moaned.

"Well done, Zeo Rangers. Return to the Command Center, the other teams are returning from their missions, hopefully with the shards," Zordon's voice boomed. In seconds, they returned to the base, where two flashes of green soon faded, and fifteen heroes and two British agents.

Alpha gaped. "Who..."

Mrs. Peel was totally awestruck by what she saw, and mind you, hardly anything ever shakes her cool. Steed, although just as stunned, still kept an air of nonchalance. That is, until he saw the warp tube, and Zordon.

"Thank you both for your assistance, Mr. Steed," Zordon began.

"Just Steed, that's sufficient." Nothing ever surprised John Steed for long.

Mrs. Peel had also regained her composure. "Tell us more about these... supervillains, and what you have to do to stop them. They seem like another bunch of these '...Tomorrow, the world!' maniacs we're always fighting."

"I feel that I must tell you, when you returned to your own timeline, you won't remember much of anything of this period. That said, we welcome you to 1996, and value your help," Zordon spoke up.

"Glad to be of help, old boy," Steed returned.

Jason looked over at both Zack and Kimberly. Both totally were soaking in every word the two British superagents said. _A serious case of hero worship here!_ he thought to himself, before telling Zordon, "Isis brought up that Lord Zedd doesn't seem to be as into his evil ways as before. It's almost as if he wants us to stop him."

"Hmm... I've heard that this might be the cast. If it's true, then there may be a chance to return Zedd to the side of good. I will have to look into this futher. Meanwhile, the remaining shards, red and purple must be found."

"What about the gold shard?" Trini asked.

"Trey, prince of Triforia, has that shard. He uses it to fight off evil forces on his planet as the Gold Ranger. Since he was successful in this, he is coming here to aid us in our fight," Zordon told them.

Wonder Woman looked relieved. "Good, 'cause I have a feeling that very soon, things will get pretty rotten real fast, and we're going to need all the help we can get."

At that moment, on the dark side of the moon, in a beat-up old winnebago, Rita Repulsa was pondering all that had happened in her life that had gone completely wrong in the past five months. Actually, they started almost a whole year before, when she and Lord Zedd tried to first destroy the connection to the Morphin Grid, thus ending the Power Rangers once and for all. However, Superman ended those plans when he caught Rito trying to sabotage the Zords. That plan was truly the beginning of the downward spiral, and from that point on, Rita tried to include the possibility of him or some other meddling superhero interfering, for all the good it did her. The last six months have been the worst, with the Rangers joining the Justice League, then having their castle headquarters destroyed by Flash, Green Lantern, and the White Ranger, who then hauled them all off to the intergalactic police, then coming back and finding the JLA had installed their new Watchtower HQ in place of their castle, now Zedd didn't seem to have the heart to go on with any evildoing whatsoever, almost as if he wanted it to just be over and done with. "We really have to talk, Zedd. I want to..." Rita started, but then a sudden twinge of fear came over her, and soon began to take over her entire being. "I guess that will have to wait. I... I think we're in trouble!"

Zedd was alternating between anger and a feeling that could be best described as an 'I-don't-give-a-damn-anymore.' "What the hell is wrong now?" he snarled.

Rita gasped, "The Machine Empire is coming!"

The End... for now

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