Header Background Image
Evil existed before creation, lurking in background and waiting for the moment when it could gain purchase in a rapidly expanding universe. Eternal, indestructible, even the loss of its agents could not remove its stain from reality. Not even the Creator himself can expel Evil entirely.
From the distant past to the far future, the battle between Good and Evil continues. For the villains a single goal: the conquest of the planet Earth and with it, the key to ultimate power. For those seeking to stop them a vital task: protect the world.
Evil cannot be destroyed, but it can be vanquished, contained and overcome. And so long as there are those to fight it, it can never claim victory. And as the lines between Good and Evil blur, the question should be: is Evil the natural state of things and Good the abomination?
In the early days of the universe, the war between Good and Evil began. It continued long after the multiverse had formed and the Morphin Master had uncovered the darkness on the far side of the Morphin Grid. As new servants of evil arose, so those that would oppose them emerged. Ancient enemies, powerful alliances; factions determined that they would win.
In modern times, Evil grows stronger because it offers power to those that would do the things that a good person would never consider. It is the easy path that twists and corrupts those that follow it, fooling those that believe they are righteous. Once evil gains a foothold it is quick to grow, consume and dominate. And once it has had its way, the wounds it inflicts can never completely heal.
But, while evil is impossible to destroy the darkness can be chased away by the love and sacrifice of those that remain vigilant and willing to stand against it.

Release Schedule


  1. Release date: Tuesday Misunderstood Heroes

    The Power Rangers came out of nowhere with powers that most cannot match and weapons many governments would kill for. And the military is willing to take those powers and weapons by force.

  2. Release date: Thursday Through the Lens of Promethea

    A friendly third party offers to assist NASADA in its new roll of Ranger-watching.

  3. Release date: Saturday The Accidental Invention

    Billy was just trying to save the Rangers a walk anytime they needed to talk to Alpha and Zordon. Instead he manages to unlock the secrets of teleportation.

  4. Coming: February 2025 Rita’s Calculated Chaos

    Rita has a keen eye and the ability to pick out the weaknesses of her opponents. The Power Rangers are no different and she vows that with Finster's new monsters at her disposal, she will win.

  5. Coming: March 2025 High Five

    Trini needs to overcome her fear of heights.

  6. Expected: March of 2025 Team Work

    The Rangers are introduced to the Power Weapons and learn that together they are more than the sume of their parts.

  7. Expected: March of 2025 A Pressing Engagement

    Rita's new plan attempts to isolate Jason from the rest of the team

  8. Expected: March of 2025 Zack’s Self Help

    Running off to protect the planet, missing homework... Zack has a meeting with a guidance counsellor.

  9. Expected: March of 2025 Green With Evil Prologue: Black in Green

    Rita has her own Power Coin and has picked a candidate to be the Evil Green Ranger.

  10. Expected: March of 2025 The Weakest Link

    Billy reflects on his role in the team and how he can contribute when his fighting skills are lacking.

  11. Expected: March of 2025 The Visitor

    Trini finds her sleep disturbed by a visit and a warning from Rita

  12. Expected: March of 2025 A Different Drum

    Kimberly's deaf friend, Melissa, has a tough time fitting in at the Youth Center. When the Gnarly Gnome monster strikes, using music to hypnotize some of Melissa's friends, her handicap allows her to remain unaffected. Can she aid the Power Rangers in putting an end to the Gnome's symphony of destruction?

  13. Expected: March of 2025 Food Fight

    Rita's new monster Pudgy Pig is a greater threat than he first appears.

  14. Expected: April of 2025 Big Sisters

    In her ongoing efforts to destroy the Rangers, Rita Repulsa seeks to gain the Legendary Power Eggs. The only way to gain access to them is through the touch of an innocent child.

  15. Expected: April of 2025 Distractions

    Kimberly reflects on the recent changes in her life.

  16. Expected: April of 2025 Happy Birthday Zack

    It's Zack's birthday and Rita has the perfect present to ruin it.

  17. Expected: April of 2025 I’ Eye Guy / The Fiend in the Mirror

    Billy's friend Willy is a genius, which catches Rita's eye. And even when that battle is over she decides to try again.

  18. Expected: April of 2025 For Whom The Bell Tolls

    Trini's beloved toy is the target of Rita'scheme.

  19. Expected: April of 2025 It Tolls For Thee

    Rita tries another monster to ring in the defeat of the Power Rangers.

  20. Expected: April of 2025 Not All Fun At the Fair

    Trini is looking after her cousin. Rita has a plot to draw the Rangers into a trap

  21. Expected: May of 2025 Riddle Me This

    Despite the disaster of her deal with the Joker, Rita spies an opportunity to use another criminal in her schemes. This time the Riddler isn the unwilling volunteer.

  22. Expected: May of 2025 Power Ranger Punks
  23. Expected: May of 2025 Peace, Love and Woe
  24. Expected: May of 2025 Foul Play in the Sky
  25. Expected: May of 2025 Dark Warrior
  26. Expected: June of 2025 Switching Places


  1. Release date: Wednesday Finster’s Secret Plot


  1. Coming: February 2025 Dark Waters

    Minion has made a pact with a mysterious being. In return for his service, Minion was allowed to survive. Now the time has come for the games to begin and Minion's first move is to try and remove some pieces from the board before they can involve themselves.


"The conquest of evil in days gone by."
History, as we know it, states existence is built upon a foundation of scientific fact and mathematics. This long-held fact is a lie. The struggle between Good and Evil defines existence by its very nature. It is around such a struggle that the Universe was created and races old and new have arisen. For Evil must be confronted and contained. It must be conquered. In the beginning, there was only the void. And then something filled the void and it became existence. This is also a lie! Before what is regarded as the beginning, there was an ending. The raw energy of a new existence and the renewal of an old struggle came from the ending. For Evil can be contained and Evil can be conquered, but even when defeated... it still remains. And so long as there is Evil seeking to gain a foothold in existence, there must be those willing to confront it and defeat it.
And so a new battleground was formed in the shape of a universe. How did it happen? Where did the war between good and evil start again? How did an existence at the point of oblivion pass into creating a new reality, a reborn creator and the start of a new war? What role did the Power play and what of those that tried to tame it? The Void was darkness, lifeless order; the Morphin Grid a never-ending, constantly changing ocean of chaos; and where the two intercepted... came the Multiverse.
Observe the Viewing Globe is a companion story to The Conquest of Evil, revealing the origins of the conflict and the early days of the struggle. It is still a work in progress and intended to expand the rest of the story... and perhaps reveal one or two small mysteries of its own. Starting of course with the question: How did the knowledge of the nature of the Morphin Grid change so much?

  1. Fall of The Spectre, Rise of the Phantom

    Dark Specter has broken into the universe. Can the children of those that will be known as the Morphin Master stop him... and at what cost?

    8,094 Words


The Earth is a planet that was once considered of little value in the grand scheme of things. But the fallout from the war left many wondering why Rita was so determined to conquer the planet, and why Zordon considered it so important that he established a permanent presence there. Suddenly a prize for any villain seeking to prove their superiority, and a liability by those seeking to prevent the dark forces from gaining a vital foothold in a cosmic power play that stretches back billions of years, the stakes have never been higher. As the opposing sides gather their forces, the Earth and its population risk becoming an unfortunate loss.
But how much has the planet already been through and how did the Rangers deal with the likes of Rita and Zedd?
These stories are a part of Conquest of Evil taking place between the start of Rita's imprisonment 10,000 years ago and the end of Zeo. These are events that took place in the background to the main story give and idea of what was going on at key moments.
  1. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  2. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  3. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  4. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  5. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  6. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  7. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  8. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  9. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  10. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  11. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  12. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  13. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  14. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  15. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  16. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  17. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  18. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  19. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  20. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  21. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  22. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  23. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  24. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  25. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  26. The Weight of the World

    When you have to balance friends, family and grades... protecting the Earth is the least of your problems.

    1,061 Words
  27. Roarhide Rampage

    Rita sends down a new hybrid monster.

    2,131 Words
  28. Wings of Betrayal

    Following the arrival of Lord Zedd and his betrayal of Rita Repulsa, Goldar reflects on why he turned on the woman that offered him so much. In the end, she betrayed him first.

    1,040 Words


Contact had been made between a dark being that existed since the fall of the Dark One and a pawn chosen to carry out his vengeance against the light. Minion is restored and tasked with preparing for release of his new master by destroying those most likely to oppose him, namely the Power Rangers. How will a lowly clone succeed?
  1. The Black Dragon

    Lord Drakkon had been the ruler of his Earth for years when he encountered Billy Cranston and Tommy Oliver from another reality. And in a matter of days his life and his rule had ended. So when offered a chance to seek vengeance on those that wronged him.. of course he accepted.

    5,327 Words

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